Why Should you Wear Blue Light Glasses

BY SeeclearOptical

Blue light glasses are glasses that are specifically designed to filter out harmful ultraviolet rays which are usually emitted from digital screens, like televisions, laptops and computers. These glasses have specially designed lenses and filtering materials that obstruct short-wave blue lights. Although there has not been any significant research about whether blue light harms vision, wearing blue light glasses can potentially decrease the risks of prolonged exposure to screens.

The colour in the visible light spectrum ranges from blue to red. Blue light is found on the very edge of the spectrum, close to invisible UV light. Blue light is considered to be “high-energy visible light” (HEV). The wavelength of blue light, when compared to the colours towards the red side of the spectrum, hits our eyes at a much higher frequency. Since blue light is what is more commonly known as beneficial light, excessive amounts of it, emitted by digital screens, can be harmful to the eyes. This is why, after a long day of working at your laptop or computer, your eyes are prone to get tired, and you may experience blurry vision.  According to The Vision Council, nearly 60% of Americans experience digital eye strain.

Manufacturers of blue light glasses claim that they prevent excessive damage to the eyes from blue light emitted from digital screens. Damage from blue light may occur due to chronic exposure to blue light, or due to short periods of intense exposure. In recent years, with the increased use of light-emitting diodes (LED), organic LED, and active-matrix organic LED in technology, chronic exposure to blue light has become very common.

There are no concrete studies to prove that blue light glasses provide complete protection against blue light. However, manufacturers claim that they do help to reduce chronic headaches, eye strain, and improve melatonin secretion to reduce symptoms from blue light exposure.

There are certain ways by which device-related eye strain can be reduced.

• The 20/20 rule:

This solution is recommended by many ophthalmologists. Every 20 minutes, stop looking at your screen, and focus on something 20 feet away from you, for at least 20 to 30 seconds. This relaxes the eyes and reduces exhaustion.

• Adjusting screen settings:

You can also make a few changes to your screen to adjust settings and reduce eye strain. Your screen’s brightness should be neither too bright nor too dull. It should be precise. Additionally, you can also adjust the colour temperature of your screen. Since blue light is potentially harmful, you can use more of yellow or orange light in your system.

• Customize to include LED:

The older tube-style monitors (cathode ray tube or CRT) can cause images to flicker. That flicker, even if undetectable, can cause eye fatigue. Conversely, a light-emitting diode (LED) screen, particularly with an anti-reflective surface, is more gentle and soothing to the eye.

• Personalize your work area:

The positioning of your chair and digital screen greatly impacts the comfort of your neck and eyes. Your chair should be at a comfortable height so that your feet can rest comfortably on the floor. Your computer screen should be 20-24 inches away from your eyes for increased comfort.

Now let us explore why blue light glasses can be beneficial for your eyes.

• Better sleep:

In the same way that a hot cup of coffee in the morning can alert your senses, spending quality time on your digital screen can also keep you alert before going to bed. Short wavelengths delay the release of melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone that naturally starts releasing into your system a couple of hours before bedtime. But, spending time on a digital screen immediately before bed can delay this release of melatonin, making it all the harder to fall asleep. If it proves to be very difficult to switch off your screens before going to bed, sleep experts recommend using blue light glasses to help you sleep better.

• Less eye fatigue:

Spending 8 to 9 hours every day in front of a digital screen will lead to eye fatigue and exhaustion. Ergonomic adjustments to your sitting position can help reduce the muscle pains associated with sitting constantly for 8 hours and looking at a screen all day. Using blue light glasses can help reduce this eye fatigue. The blue

light on the screen makes it difficult to focus, this increasing eye strain. Blue light glasses help to increase the contrast of your screen, making it easier to focus and subsequently reducing eye exhaustion.

• Fewer headaches:

People, who are prone to frequent headaches and migraines, should make use of blue light glasses whenever they work on a digital screen. They may reduce migraines and other chronic headaches.

• Reduced risk of eye diseases:

The cornea and eye lens of your eyes blocks out the harmful UV rays from your retina. However, they cannot block blue light. Hence, any kind of damage to the retina can increase your risk of muscle degeneration, which can lead to blindness. Blue light, if not blocked, can perforate your retina, possibly leading to muscular degeneration-like symptoms, increasing the risk of developing cataracts and eventually leading to blindness. It is for this reason that wearing blue light glasses is necessary.

Eyes are our cameras to the world. Hence, we must take proper care of them. Try to spend only the necessary amount of time on a digital screen. Read a book, take a walk, and spend time with your pet. Such activities will help you pass your time, in addition to reducing eye strain.


One of the most basic advantages of using any kind of glasses is protection from dust particles, light, radiation etc. This is where non-prescription glasses come into the picture. A child playing in the park, or on the beach, an adult working in front of a computer screen are some of the recipients of non-prescription glasses. However, prolonged exposure to the sunlight would require the glasses to be enhanced with special coatings to protect against ultraviolet rays.

See Clear Optical is a Canadian company that sells premium quality glasses and lenses of all kinds, shapes and sizes. So if you have not checked them out yet, do visit their website for their range of eyewear. Take care of your vision.